Will AI replace you? Find out at the fifth CRO Commerce conference
3 min. read
Published by: Digital Labin
This year was marked by the arrival of artificial intelligence. The eCommerce Croatia association, which gathers over 500 Croatian merchants who sell online and will soon organize the fifth CRO Commerce conference (powered by Paket24), knows best what changes have already taken place and what are still waiting for us.
The jubilee conference organized by retailers will be held on September 29 at the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb under the theme "Humans vs. Machines", and in addition to presentations on AI, you will be able to listen to lectures and workshops attended by numerous eCommerce experts from Croatia and the region.
What ChatGPT brings us
Although artificial intelligence cannot yet completely replace the workplace, all indicators tell us that many professions will have to adapt to a new way of working in which only those who know how to use AI tools like ChatGPT will survive.
Therefore, the theme of this year's conference is "Humans vs. Machines", which aims to motivate participants to look to the future and educate them about everything that artificial intelligence (AI) brings to the world of online sales.
For example, many merchants already use ChatGPT extensively to write product descriptions, ads, and blogs, while some also use it to prepare marketing plans and business analyses, thus saving both time and money.
The research showed that ¾ percent of the population buys online.
For the seventh year in a row, Geopost conducted the e-shopper barometer survey based on 36,000 interviews conducted online in 22 European and nine non-EU countries.
Considering the war in Ukraine and its economic consequences, European e-shoppers are still price-conscious, while Croatian online shoppers are more active in looking for big discounts, much more so than the rest of Europe. As many as 70% of regular online shoppers look forward to big discounts such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and seasonal sales, while 62% believe online shopping saves money.
You will also be able to learn more about the results of the latest research, which brings important information about the development of e-commerce and conclusions about the latest trends in online shopping, at the CRO Commerce conference.
Book 29.9. for an all-day eCommerce program and party for all participants
The conference will be opened by the president of the eCommerce Croatia Association, Marcel Majsan, together with representatives of the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb, who are partners of the conference. After the introductory part, the lectures will be divided into two stages where you will be able to find out what innovations AI technology brings, how to choose the best delivery service for your business, what the latest trends in eCommerce are, and how to increase the profitability of your webshop.
This year's hot topics about changes in Google Analytics and new legal changes in trading will not be left out either, so we advise you to secure your tickets in time, as the number of participants is limited.
You can follow the conference exclusively live, and the ticket price, which includes lunch and cocktails at the party, is 200 euros. You can find more information on the official website of the conference.
We have provided a 20% discount for our readers, which you can get by entering the coupon on the conference page: LLOYDS20
Official website of the conference: https://conference.ecommerce.hr